FUHSO VC ,Prof Ujah appreciates his “Nwanne dina Mba 1 Chieftaincy title from Igboland,describes it as transformational leadership.


:FUHSO VC ,Prof Ujah appreciates his “Nwanne dina Mba 1 Chieftaincy title from Igboland,describes it as transformational leadership.
By: Sam Obinna Ibe

The Vice Chancellor,Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo, Benue State,Professor Innocent Ujah has appreciated the Chieftaincy title conferred on him by a foremost traditional ruler in Abia State,His Royal Majesty, Eze G C Ibeakanma as a befitting one while describing the honour done him as a transformational leadership.

The vice chancellor, Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo Benue State disclosed this last Saturday at Ezeukwu Royal Palace in Ezeleke Umuopara shortly after his conferment of Chieftaincy title as “Nwanne dina Mba 1” ( Brother across border) of Ezeleke Autonomous community Umuopara Umuahia South LGA of Abia .

HRM Eze GC Ibeakanma,the Ezeukwu 1 of Ezeleke Autonomous community Umuopara Umuahia South LGA Abia State

Speaking at Ezeukwu Royal Palace, the Vice Chancellor of Federal University of Health Sciences,Fuhso Otukpo, Benue State, Professor Innocent Ujah appreciated the traditional chieftaincy title bestowed on him, therefore ,thanked the royal father of Ezeleke Autonomous community Umuopara,Eze G .C Ibeakanma and his Council for the done him stressing that Chief Barr Iroham Ezerendu from Ezeleke Autonomous community Umuopara Umuahia South does not have to be an Idoma man for him to assist him become who he is today in the society.

Newly installed Chief Nwanne dina Mba 1 of Ezeleke Autonomous community Umuopara Umuahia South LGA of Abia,Professor Innocent Ujah,the Vice Chancellor of Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo Benue State



Professor Innocent Ujah pointed out that he does not work with such primordial sentiments as religion and tribe but work with passion for hard work adding that was what informed his decision in assisting whoever that comes his way no matter where he or she comes from.

He further disclosed that he owed it to humanity, the society that moulded him noting that to give education to some people that if he is not educated,that he would not be where he is today to assist people.

Ujah tasked people to work hard to repose confidence on those in position of authority,that when he was growing up at Otukpo,many of their teachers were Igbos,many names in Igbo Land are the same thing in Idoma land,had friends across the country.

The V C of Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo Benue State thanked his brothers and sisters that accompanied to receive the Chieftaincy title promising not to forget this milestone,the title of Nwanne dina Mba 1 of Ezeleke and would surely come back as a member of the king’s cabinet.

In an interview with Blueprint shortly after the chieftaincy installation,Chief Professor Innocent Ujah said that his happiness knew no bounds over the recognition noting that God is great,that this is a recognition not from Idoma land,not from Benue State,and not even from Enugu State closer to them but from Abia State.

According to the most Distinguished Professor of Science,”Let me say that God is great,I have been conferred with a Chieftaincy title of Nwanne dina Mba 1( Brother across the Niger )of Ezeleke Autonomous community, Umuopara Umuahia South LGA of Abia State.”

“This is what we called transformational leadership,this is not in Idoma,not in Benue,not even in Enugu State that is closer to us but in Abia State.And again,it is good to keep relationship,we need to open up because we are all human beings,this is an honour that has been bestowed on me by Ezeukwu 1 and the traditional ruler of Ezeleke Autonomous community, Umuopara,HRM Eze GC Ibeakanma”

This Chieftaincy title was not bought,but in recognition of my modest contributions in assisting towards development of human beings that come across me irrespective of where they from.


The wife of the newly installed Chief of Igbo Land,Professor Innocent Ujah of Idoma land, Benue State
Chief Professor Innocent Ujah and his media aide, Mr Achibong

The VC of FUHSO revealed that prior to his recognition that he never knew the traditional ruler and his Council and they never knew him too but through interaction with other processes ,they felt I deserved to be honoured with a Chieftaincy title,I resisted this for a long time even in Idoma land but I thought that was not necessary but the way this one has been celebrated,it is not about political appointment,it is about the belief that I deserve it,so it was not bought,I never buy anything even when people wanted to give me honour and wanted money,I said no,you can go,I don’t need it,


So this chieftaincy title conferment was done out of their own wish,done in a recognition given to me and my people,so it’s a great day for us,not just for me,but the Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo Benue State and other person’s that are associated with us.

Continuing, Professor Innocent Ujah maintained that there is a lesson to be learnt for this friendship across the border because of the feelings of tribalistic, nepotistic attitudes of Nigerians now makes it difficult for people to cross border but this is an attestation done to Chief Professor Innocent Ujah, FES med,MNI,OON,NPOM

” You heard what Professor Azubuike Onyebuchi said about me,as early as I knew him,studied under us,I saw him as somebody who can be trusted,so when the opportunity came,I recommended him for Board membership when he was in Ebonyi state,he was my Assistant Secretary General when I was the President General of Society of Ganacology/Obstetrics of Nigeria,SOGON,he wanted to contest for the post of Chief Medical Director of Federal Medical Centre,FMC Umuahia,I gave him my blessings, today he is doing very well in Abia State ”

Answering questions from our reporter in Umuahia on what moved him in assisting two Igbo sons to attain positions of prominence in their chosen careers which is very rare considering the fact that he is not an Igbo man,what was the driving force behind this kind gesture,the newest installed Chief of Igbo Land, Professor Innocent Ujah said that it was a manifestation of service to
, adding that you don’t need to know anybody to help the person.

He said,” my belief is that you don’t need to know anybody to help him probably it is my weak point which has turned out to be my strength i met Chief( Barr) Iroham Ezerendu at Nigeria Institute of Medical Association,NIMA, I didn’t know him from anywhere but he was hard working,my own hallmark of excellence is that you must work hard and get result,and my dictum is, ” Talk and Do” ,thus; whatever I say ,I do it,

“So when Chief Barr Iroham Ezerendu started working me,I saw someone who is properly brought up and loyal,in civil service,loyalty is number one, loyalty has actually carried him very far,others may be envious of him,he would have been retired if not we engage him in FUHSO ,in the university system,if you are not an academic staff,or a professor,you retire at 65 years,so he will wait till he is 65,that is not the issue, the issue is that he is still providing services to us” VC FUHSO said.

As for the Chief Medical Director of Federal Medical Centre,FMC Umuahia, Abia State, Professor Azubuike Onyebuchi,the erudite Professor of Ganacology/ Obstetrics,Professor Innocent Ujah described him in glowering terms, saying” Professor Onyebuchi is a model,I say it without hesitation,they are not Idoma people,they are not from Benue State but I see good in them”

The Vice Chancellor of Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo, Benue State ,professor Chief Innocent Ujah, therefore harped on the need of doing good wherever you finds yourself,irrespective of whom is involved because we are all human beings while also appreciating the traditional ruler of Ezeleke Autonomous community Umuopara, Umuahia South LGA of Abia,HRM Eze G .C Ibeakanma and his cabinet for the honour done him and his people for the recognition promising to be the good ambassador of the people.

Speaking while conferring Professor Innocent Ujah with chieftaincy title of “Nwanne dina Mba 1” of Ezeleke Autonomous community Umuopara Umuahia South,the traditional ruler of the ancient kingdom,HRM Eze G. C Ibeakanma said that the Vice Chancellor of Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo( Fuhso) was honoured in view of his invaluable contributions to the growth and development of Education the country.

Eze G .C Ibeakanma said that Professor Innocent Ujah is a true Nigeria,as a detrabilized Nigeria who has gone beyond the borders of religion, ethnicity and other primordial sentiments has impacted positively to humanity , adding that because he operates without borders, honouring credibility without thinking where he or she comes from,one of his subjects in a rare profession benefitted under his tutalege, mentorship of professor Ujah.

The respected royal father in Abia State and Nigeria further explained that not only that newest installed Chief of Idoma land, Professor Innocent Ujah has helped in the development of mankind but has helped so many people; as a role model, he encouraged and developed them in education while pointing out on the importance of education in the development of a community,state and nation at large cannot be emphasized.


Group photograph of Ezeleke Council of Chiefs and the newly conferred Chief, Professor Innocent Ujah of Idoma land Benue State and his relatives
Newly installed Chief Nwanne dina Mba 1 of Ezeleke Autonomous community Umuopara Umuahia South LGA Abia State,Prof Innocent Ujah,his lolo( lovely wife and relatives
Abia traditional rulers and the newly crowned Chief Professor Innocent Ujah,VC Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo Benue State


According to Eze G.C Ibeakanma “we are happy we discovered him because of his contributions on human capital development in our community,in Abia State and Igbo Land, outside his state, outside his tribe,we decided to invite him to honour him with a Chieftaincy title of Nwanne dina Mba 1 of Ezeleke Autonomous community Umuopara because we have benefitted from his large heart.

The former Chairman of Umuopara Council of traditional rulers ,Eze GC Ibeakanma said in our place,we don’t recognize people because of what they will give us by way of financial considerations ,we consider and recognize them because of their antecedents in expectations that they will do more tomorrow , therefore,we have recognized him, to encourage him in expectations that he will be able to do more tomorrow for the benefit of our people and mankind in general.

Meanwhile,the Chief Medical Director of Federal Medical Centre FMC Umuahia, Abia State,Professor Azubuike Onyebuchi extolled Eze G.C Ibeakanma and his cabinet for bestowing the chieftaincy title of honour given to his boss,Professor Innocent Ujah noting that the Vice Chancellor of Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo Benue State assisted him a great deal to become who he is today in the country.
He said that when he heard about the recognition of his senior professional colleague and boss,he raised down to accompany him to receive this honour from a revereed traditional ruler in the State.

The CMD Federal Medical Centre FMC Umuahia,Prof Azubuike Onyebuchi,said, because of this chieftaincy title bestowed on Professor Innocent Ujah,his boss, starting from today,he is an adopted son of Ezeleke Umuopara and will participate full in all activities concerning the autonomous community when called upon.

Also speaking the traditional Prime minister of Ezeleke Autonomous community ,Umuopara,Chief Sir Chibuike Ukanwoke said that he was particularly happy when you plans event and it comes out successfully, you can’t but be happy about it.

The former Principal of Ibeku High School, Umuahia,Chief Ukanwoke added that it was rather symbolic because the man they honoured is not from Abia State but Benue State,it has ensure to put the map of Ezeleke palace in Benue State,we are happy about it


Chiefs from Ezeleke Umuopara: L/R: Engr Sir Onu Eluwa,Chief Sir Chibuike Ukanwoke and Chief Sir Ibegbulem Emelogu Obioma.

As for Engr Sir Onu Eluwa,the former Director General, Anambra Imo River Basin Authority said that conferment of Chieftaincy title to the Vice Chancellor of Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo Benue State is a beautiful thing it is helping in the unity within the country of many tribes.

Engr Onu Eluwa further noted that the conferment ceremony has emphasizes the brotherhood that exist between us and Idoma people,we are the same people .

We have the same four market days :Eke Orie ,Afo ,Nkwo, like the Benue State among the Idimas,they also have four market days as : Eke,Orie,Afo and Nkwo, you can see the Idoma names you heared here today,we call Igbo names and the language too,if you do an analysis,there are not far apart,so Idoma land starts shortly after Abakiliki,about 12 kilometres away,so we are neighbors,the recognition of Professor Innocent Ujah with a Chieftaincy title from Igbo Land brings neighbour ness,it brings unity,it brings peace,it brings better understanding,what the traditional ruler has done today is drawing our people around the country,we pray this continues, will bring our people closer for better understanding and peace in the land .

On his part,Chief Sir Ibegbulem Emelogu Obioma,a Lagos based business mogul, from Amachara Ezeleke Umuopara, lauded HRM Eze GC Ibeakanma on the calibre of persons he confers Chieftaincy titles stressing that the recognition of the VC of FUHSO is a typical examples of all others he had honoured in the past.

Chief Sir Ibe Obioma also commended their brother,Barr Ezerendu whose loyalty and dedication to duty granting what Professor Innocent Ujah did to elevate him in life pave the way for the recognition of the Idoma Benue born erudite professor.

He further described Eze GC Ibeakanma as a first class Monarch in Igbo Land that do not confer Chieftaincy titles indiscriminately but purely on merit as exemplified with the honour to the distinguished professor from Benue State adding that Chieftaincy titles conferment should be on merit and not the other way round.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Ralph Ujah gave vote of thanks thanked Eze GC Ibeakanma and his Council for honouring his uncle,Professor Innocent Ujah with a Chieftaincy title noting that he is educated today courtesy of his uncle who trained in the university and trained.

Professor Chief Innocent Ujah was accompanied by some management staff of Federal University of Health Sciences Otukpo Benue State,CMD Federal Medical Centre FMC Umuahia, Prof Azubuike Onyebuchi relatives,former students , Idoma nay Benue people living in Abia State among others.

Dignitaries that attended the installation ceremony included the Mayor of Umuahia South LGA Abia,Barr Ejike Obike, the Chief Medical Director of Federal Medical Centre FMC Umuahia Abia State,Prof Azubuike Onyebuchi,Hon Chief Iheanacho Obioma,the former member, House of Representatives that represented Ikwuano Umuahia federal constituency in the National Assembly,Engr Sir Onu Eluwa, the former Director General, Anambra Imo River Basin Authority,Chief Sir Ibegbulem Emelogu Obioma, Lagos based business mogul and illustrious son of Amachara, Ezeleke Umuopara etc. others are HRH Eze Paul Chukwunyere Egwu,the traditional ruler of Dikeukwu Ekenobizi,Onyeogara 1 of Dikeukwu, Umuahia South,HRM Eze Nzenwata Mbakwe,the first Vice Chairman of Abia State Council of Traditional rulers and the traditional ruler of Okaiuga Nkwoegwu autonomous community, Ohuhu, Umuahia North and HRM Eze Dr Ambassador Pastor Philip Ajomiwe,the former Chairman of Umuahia North Council of Traditional rulers and the traditional ruler of Oriendu autonomous community,Ohuhu etc

Highpoints of the occasion were decorations of Chief Nwanne dina Mba 1 of,Professor Innocent Ujah and his lovely wife with Chieftaincy traditional Igbo Chieftaincy attires and group photographs with the traditional rulers of from Umuahia North and South that attended the ceremony.